The future of publishing

Where writers, readers, investors, and commerce converge.
0 +
Year old industry
0 M+
Books ever published
1 B
Stories to be Told
Our Mission

Build the future of publishing. 


The StoryCrush Story

StoryCrush is a Web3 crowd publishing and reading dApp. 

As a writer you can access powerful tools and revenue streams to monetise your stories.

As a reader you can invest in books, serials, and short stories or simply discover new writers and enjoy reading. 



Check out a few features of StoryCrush. (Lightbox enabled)

Smart Contract Revenue Models

StoryCrush redefines royalties. 

Choose from a range of revenue models and monetize your stories according to your writing goals. 

100% author owned, published to an immutable ledger. 

Data Driven Pub-Fi

StoryCrush brings the commercial elements of publishing directly to you. 

Advanced data and analytics drive valuable insights about how your stories can create revenue, build readership, and grow your community. 

StoryCrush Marketplace

 Found a story you like? 
Invest, trade, or simply buy to read. 

StoryCrush reinvents the publishing process to allow participation across the whole creative process. Buy a percentage of the next bestseller to generate future revenue. 

Advanced Social Reading

StoryCrush takes social reading to the next level. 

Make in-book reading connections, share quotes, post book reviews, and participate in beta programs to level up and earn. 

Publishing Tools

The Neighborhood Press is a powerful suite of publishing tools that will convert your manuscript into a web3 book. 

Connect with StoryCrush approved designers, illustrators, and editors or use Cover Crush AI to generate your cover artwork. 

Page Turner Engagement Platform

StoryCrush gamifies and monetizes the reading experience. 

You can invest in publications, build reputation within your reading communities, and receive rewards and badges for participation and contribution.


Our Roadmap

Website and Whitepaper
We want to share our vision for the future of publishing. StoryCrush is about restoring creative control and commercial autonomy to writers. Check out our Whitepaper to learn more about how pub-fi will transform traditional publishing.
Product Development
We're kicking off our product roadmap really soon. StoryCrush is a very rich experience for readers, writers, and investors, so there is lots to build.

Our first release will be tooling for writers, an NFT marketplace, and our social reading platform.
We are securing additional funding right now, so contact us if you'd like to participate or partner with StoryCrush.
Open Beta
StoryCrush will progressively release new features in open beta, starting with the early release of the Neighbourhood Press so that writers can begin publishing their stories.

Five questions

The Role of StoryCrush in the Evolution of Publishing

The publishing industry is over 582 years old.  The Gutenberg Press kicked it all off in 1450, when movable type allowed books to be printed quickly and cheaply. Since then, publishing has largely been in the hands of traditional publishers until the 1990’s when the Internet become a valid medium for content. 

Despite the rise of internet publications, traditional publishing has remained a behemoth, dictating content, terms, and profits.

Web3 presents the first opportunity since 1450 to truly revolutionise how publishing happens. The combined potential of Web3, blockchain, and smart contracts will allow writers to reclaim creative and commercial autonomy and create a new economy for stories. 

StoryCrush is the natural evolution of Rollick Magazine, an independent literary magazine for emerging and established writers of contemporary fiction, founded in 2016. The mandate of Rollick Magazine is to attract cutting-edge, quality content that inspires real engagement. The power of community around stories has always been a core tenant of Rollick Magazine’s mission, and is a directive that remains today. 

StoryCrush takes the learnings from Rollick Magazine and reimagines and extends the vision for publishing through Web3. StoryCrush offers an entire end-to-end publishing ecosystem that gives writers full creative and commerical autonomy, while taking the social elements of reading to the next level. Additionally, StoryCrush disrupts traditional commercial models, by inviting investment in all stages of the creative process.

Historically, writers have been constrained by the  terms and conditions imposed by traditional publishers. StoryCrush seeks to change this by giving writers what they need.

  • Autonomy over the commercial aspects of their work, including revenue streams
  • Genuine connection with their communities
  • Autonomy over work that allows freedom of creative expression 

With autonomy at the core of every interaction, StoryCrush gives writers legitimacy, community, and the ability to be remunerated for their stories.

Historically, readers have been cast as mere consumers of stories. Yet readers form half of the publishing equation, contributing as admirers, fans, critics, and the source of revenue for writers. 

Without readers, there can be no stories. 

StoryCrush seeks to include readers more in the publishing process, rewarding readers for participation in their communities, and opening the black box of publishing up for readers to invest and participate in. This will be a first in the 584 year history of publishing. 

StoryCrush seeks to:

  • Level the playing field of the publishing industry, creating opportunities for anyone to participate and invest.
  • Currently, 1-2% of manuscripts submitted to traditional publishers make it to publication. StoryCrush would increase the volume of stories in the market. This would attract more readers and enable the expansion of storytelling as a craft in general.
  • StoryCrush opens investment up to the general public, elevating the potential of stories as sources of revenue and investment. 
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